Beware of the Stramonium Datura




Perth Courier, Oct. 18, 1872


From the Renfrew Mercury:  “The inhabitants of Eganville were thrown into a state of excitement last Saturday from the fact that three little girls were poisoned by eating the seeds of the Stramonium Datura, or commonly called Thorn Apple.  One of the children belonged to James Bonfield, Esq. and the other two to Daniel Lacey.  The children soon became quite helpless from the effects of the narcotic.  Dr. Chanonhouse being away at the time, in the township of Stafford—no one knew what to do.  Doctors were telegraphed to for advice but Dr. Chanonhouse was sent for and fortunately got back in time to save their lives.  This is the second case of poisoning that has occurred in Eganville from poison weeds.”

There have been a number of cases of accidental poisoning as well as poisoning due to experimentation. See, also, Datura suaveolens.



In July 2008, a family of six was admitted to hospital in Maryland, USA, a few hours after eating a home made stew. Two were unconscious and the others were laughing, confused, dizzy, thirsty and suffering hallucinations. It was not possible to obtain any information from them and they were treated symptomatically, including tranquillizers in four cases to control their agitation.

Investigators visited the family home and found evidence of green leaves in the remains of the stew, discarded plant material in the kitchen waste bin and a Datura stramonium plant in the garden with numerous freshly cut-off stems.

All six recovered and were released from hospital over the following three to five days. They were, probably, fortunate that a relative happened to visit about an hour after the meal by which time they were already showing sufficiently severe symptoms of mental disturbance as to render them incapable of summoning assistance for themselves.

Lanark County Genealogical Society Website

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About lindaseccaspina

Before she laid her fingers to a keyboard, Linda was a fashion designer, and then owned the eclectic store Flash Cadilac and Savannah Devilles in Ottawa on Rideau Street from 1976-1996. She also did clothing for various media and worked on “You Can’t do that on Television”. After writing for years about things that she cared about or pissed her off on American media she finally found her calling. She is a weekly columnist for the Sherbrooke Record and documents history every single day and has over 7800 blogs about Lanark County and Ottawa and an enormous weekly readership. Linda has published six books and is in her 5th year as a town councillor for Carleton Place. She believes in community and promoting business owners because she believes she can, so she does.

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