Should We be Singing Carols Before Remembrance Day?



Last night I scared myself to sleep reading notes for the St. James Cemetery Walk in Carleton Place. I had to rechannel my thoughts to Christmas decor suggestions for Jennifer at the museum. If my Grandmother had entered my mind I would have had a tongue lashing. Is it just me, or is it disrespectful to be having Christmas thoughts before Remembrance Day?

On they began a petition to ask the Minister responsible for the CRTC and the Minister of Veterans Affairs to prohibit television and radio stations from broadcasting Christmas themed commercials until after November 11, in respect to our veterans. They got only 40 nods of approval. In November of 2012 Shopper’s Drugmart had to pull their Christmas music out of their stores because of public backlash. On their Facebook page they posted a lackluster response.

“Hi everyone, due to recent complaints around the Christmas music being played in stores we want to advise you that as of midnight EST tonight, all Christmas music will be suspended until further notice. We do take customer feedback to heart, and it does lead to change. Thank you for your patience around this and have a fabulous Friday”.

Most of the comments on that particular Facebook page said people needed to lighten up. I am old enough to remember when Christmas was based from the first Sunday in Advent to Epiphany. Now, the Christmas merchandise began to arrive on the shelves a  few weeks ago. I was in Dollarama before Halloween and overheard an employee saying she had put out some Christmas merchandise and it was selling quickly so they were putting out more.  Heck even years ago Eddie Bauer had a “Remembrance Day Sale.”

Personally, I think it’s ridiculous that Christmas is around for 3 months to begin with. I don’t believe I should have to deal with Christmas toy advertisements before I honour our heroes. If anyone stood back and thought about it, it would be a perfect opportunity for these companies to honour them as well. However, some people feel they should have the right to choose when they decorate for the holiday season.  Years ago in Ontario there was an unwritten agreement not to put up any store Christmas decorations or point of sale material until November 12, but those days have changed.

You don’t have to agree with war and invasion to respect the veterans. Regardless of your opinion on war many lives were lost and they deserve your respect. I think we as a nation don’t give enough respect to our fallen soldiers. I have a poppy on one of my coats year round. Some people think it’s funny when they see a poppy on my jacket collar in February. I just shrug and move on. If they don’t get it, no amount of words will make them get it.

Thank a Vet today for selling a poppy. As Lisa Hand once said:

“That’s what it takes to be a hero, a little gem of innocence inside you that makes you want to believe that there still exists a right and wrong, that decency will somehow triumph in the end”.

Buy Linda Secaspina’s Books— Flashbacks of Little Miss Flash Cadilac– Tilting the Kilt-Vintage Whispers of Carleton Place and 4 others on Amazon or Amazon Canada or Wisteria at 62 Bridge Street in Carleton Place

About lindaseccaspina

Before she laid her fingers to a keyboard, Linda was a fashion designer, and then owned the eclectic store Flash Cadilac and Savannah Devilles in Ottawa on Rideau Street from 1976-1996. She also did clothing for various media and worked on “You Can’t do that on Television”. After writing for years about things that she cared about or pissed her off on American media she finally found her calling. She is a weekly columnist for the Sherbrooke Record and documents history every single day and has over 7800 blogs about Lanark County and Ottawa and an enormous weekly readership. Linda has published six books and is in her 5th year as a town councillor for Carleton Place. She believes in community and promoting business owners because she believes she can, so she does.

4 responses »

  1. You are absolutely right. Shame on merchants and companies who can’t waste a second in foisting their Christmas stuff on us (although much of it is far from being about Christmas in the true sense) and even more shame on people who can’t wait to grab this stuff and put it up.

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